In these shaky financial times, bad credit car loans are a must. Many people with poor credit scores are having a hard time getting the car they want. While there are a lot of dealers who seem uninterested or unprepared in handling these types of cases, we are a different kind of company.
Together with our direct lending partners, we can help you get the car you want, even if you have a bad credit score. Our car dealerships are squarely focused on helping people who are caught in difficult financial situations. Select from top-of-the-line car manufacturers such as Toyota, Ford, Honda, or Chevy. We want to get you back behind the wheel in the shortest time possible. For that alone, we have access to hundreds of different lenders that can get you driving your way to freedom with bad credit car loans. Our company has a separate department within the dealership that handles clients who have declared bankruptcy, had vehicles repossessed, or walked in with zero to low credit scores.
Because of our excellent reputation in dealing with many of these car loan companies, we assure our clients of the best possible outcome. These are automotive finance companies that have many years of experience handling these types of loans. For example, if you have zero to low credit, we send your information to the nearest dealer in your area that has an experienced staff, connections to lenders that offer bad credit car loan financing, and a full range of brand new and used automobiles to pick from.
You can easily perform a credit check right now. In order to qualify for car loan financing, you need to score 625 or higher to get car loan financing through one of our direct lenders. For those whose scores fall below 625 but are higher than 525, then it would be best to go through one of our auto dealer channels. If you are still unsure about what your credit mark is, click on how to get your credit score.