Clinical Study Uncovers New Breakthrough Method
That Cures Naturally, Without Drugs or Creams
According to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, 75 percent of women will have at least one vaginal yeast infection during their lifetimes. 40 to 45 percent will experience two or more episodes. The vagina naturally contains small amounts of yeast called Candida albicans, which normally is harmless. But when that yeast grows out of control, symptoms like itching, burning, and irritation of the vagina can develop. Sometimes thick, whitish-gray vaginal discharge can develop. It is also common to experience pain and discomfort during urination and intercourse.
Since almost all women have the fungus in their vaginas, it is difficult for researchers to study. Therefore, health experts are unsure whether yeast infection can be transmitted sexually. Most male partners of women with yeast infection don’t have any symptoms of the infection, although some men report temporary rashes and burning sensations of the penis after intercourse.
Nip Candida In The Bud
There are six simple things you can do to reduce the chances of getting yeast infections in the first place. Keep dry. Always wear dry, clean cotton underwear. After a workout, change out of sweaty clothing as soon as possible and take a shower. Don’t sit around in wet swimsuits by the pool unless they dry quickly in the sun. Steer clear of chemicals. Be aware that feminine hygiene products like sprays and douches can throw the vagina’s ecosystem out of balance. Avoid very tight clothes. Wearing tight, poorly ventilated clothing and underwear can contribute to yeast infections.
Get enough rest. Tension, stress, and lack of sleep weaken the immune system and make you more susceptible to infections. So be sure to relax and get enough sleep. Tweak your diet. Yeast feeds on sugar. That means any food that causes your blood sugar to rise sharply candy, sugary desserts, soft drinks, and carbohydrate-rich foods puts you at risk for vaginitis. Yogurt is good because it contains beneficial bacteria. Garlic is also well known for anti-yeast-infection properties. Supplement.
If you’re hit by more than three yeast infections per year, consider a probiotic supplement containing lactobacillus bacteria. Studies show that these friendly, natural bacteria produce lactic acid. This in turn lowers the pH in the vagina and helps reduce yeast infections.
Can Be Very Dangerous If Left Untreated
When Candida shifts from non-pathogenic to pathogenic form, it can take a dramatic shift to become a serious threat to your health. What makes it so dangerous is that it produces root-like structures called rhizoids that literally penetrate the walls of your intestines. This can create holes in the intestines that enable the yeast, bacteria and toxic waste from foods to leak into your bloodstream.
When this happens, you may face conditions like leaky gut syndrome, severe rashes, acid reflux, joint pain, and severe inflammation spreading throughout your body. In fact, when Candida becomes symptomatic it can manifest itself in every organ. You can have Candida in your lungs, mouth, lymphatic system, esophagus, toenails and even your brain.
Why Most Drugs and Prescription Creams Don’t Work
There are countless drugs and prescription creams aimed at treating yeast infections. The reason most of them don’t work is that they treat the symptoms of the condition and not its root causes. The condition is masked on the surface, but the yeast can still be everywhere in your body, almost like cancer. In fact, many drugs and prescription creams can cause dangerous side effects that actually WORSEN your Candida infection condition. Lotions, creams, and ointments contain steroids, which can cause liver disorders and weaken your immune system. The list of side effects from over-the-counter treatments is long. Worst of all, many prescription creams and drugs often result in increased resistance to the treatment. The second time you try them, they may have no effect whatsoever. Now what do you do? A better alternative is to treat yeast infections holistically. That means you address the root causes of the condition and cure your body from the inside out.