Facebook Api Can Help Your Business


Facebook will soon have another advanced social feature. This new feature is called Facebook Questions. But, will Facebook Questions become the new marketing tool for your business? The short answer maybe.

So, what is it? Well, Facebook Questions (now in beta testing) will allow it is now over 500 million users to ask questions and get answers from users. At first look, it’s much like Yahoo’s Q&A. Users can ask questions and the community can respond. Answers are rated or voted on for quality. With some other unique features, a user can follow specific questions, tag questions, and explore them based on the subject matter.

According to Mashable, the biggest advantage of Facebook Questions will be the sheer size of the Facebook community. PC World calls Facebook Questions, “ arguably the most forceful thing Facebook has done to bring users outside of their social circles because you cannot make questions or answers private.”

However, is this new feature a business tool? Because it’s in beta, Facebook Questions has not set up functionality to integrate with brand pages at this time. Yet, the use of this application as a business tool is most definitely in high demand. The ability of an organization to answer user-generated questions and have those answers visible beyond the limits of their own fans is pretty sweet. Who wouldn’t want that, right?

Read More: Target Audiences in Facebook Ads

The key with Facebook Questions will be not to advertise, but instead to be the expert, sharing the cool stuff you already know to engage your target audience. This gives you a chance to engage a community that you may have had a hard time trying to reach before through other means.

I will take a wait-and-see approach to Facebook Questions. The application has amazing potential as a marketing tool. Many issues will be answered by the beta test and if Facebook Questions can engage, entertain and educate on a personal and professional level, then it’s probably worth putting on your social media to-do list.